The Shape System in the Modiliani Drawings

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علي شاكر نعمه
ضحى قاسم رزاق جاسم



This research means to study (the asystem figure in the fee Modigliani) is located in the four chapters the first chapter devoted to explain  the statement of the problem ,the problem of  research which is the shape of the overall appearance of the visible things and phenomena,where the shspe of themes which he sees the artists fundamental limits to knowledge desired through what is the problem of current research, manam the format in the fee Modigliani s research goal comprehensive is:(system format in the fee Modigliani)    the proposed boundaries of research on the the study by the artist from the (1911 – 1920) which was  obtained by the researcher from the photographer of Arabic books and the internet , as well as reviewing terminology (the Order, the Form)

Included the second chapter on the theoretical framework and previous studies which contains two sections addressed the first building( system format) the second building had been divided into two axes: 1-The modern European schools of painting 2-The artist Modigliani and face emoji. Also reviewed the researcher the most important indicators , which released its theoretical framework.

The third chapter has chosen the agranat research which included a community search and selection of the research sample of ( five samples) then the research tool and treatment research and analysis the research sample.

The fourth chpter including the feelings , conclusions and recomendations and proposals among the things of the researcher are:

  • The system elongation followed in the figure by Modigliani in the form of sleep and elongation-known art Gothic Astana shapes in art not obsessed with my religion as when Modigliani Astana figure come from by rasing the value of the company account.

  • Modigliani used in the system of his morphological characteristic flatness that we observe in Oriental Art and this and this send  is feeling a sense of self.

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How to Cite
“The Shape System in the Modiliani Drawings”, JUBH, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 163–182, Dec. 2017, Accessed: May 12, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“The Shape System in the Modiliani Drawings”, JUBH, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 163–182, Dec. 2017, Accessed: May 12, 2024. [Online]. Available:

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